Orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic treatment

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It can also help to look after the long-term health of your teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth.

Why should I have orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment can be beneficial for a number of reasons. Some common reasons include:

Straightening crooked or crowded teeth, which can improve the appearance of your smile.

Correcting problems with your bite, which can prevent issues such as jaw pain or difficulty chewing.

Reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease by making it easier to properly clean your teeth.

Improving your overall oral health by addressing any structural issues in your mouth that may be causing problems.

Boosting your self-esteem and confidence by giving you a healthier and more attractive smile.

Of course, the specific benefits of orthodontic treatment will depend on your individual needs and goals. I recommend speaking with an orthodontist to learn more about how treatment could benefit you.

At what age should I have orthodontic treatment?

Early Treatment (Phase I)

Orthodontic treatment is one of the most common treatments we perform for children. Early orthodontic treatment is recommended when extensive treatment is needed. This is treatment that must be done prior to traditional braces and is used to solve problems that can’t be delayed.

  • What is early orthodontic treatment?

Early orthodontic remedy is generally finished on patients between the ages of 6 and 10. The aim of section 1 is to teach and expand a child’s jaws. This will make room for everlasting tooth and enhance the chew of higher and decrease jaws. Throughout remedy, your child’s mouth adjustments form and has advanced alignment, chew, and spacing. All of this results in higher oral fitness withinside the lengthy run, as properly as elevated vanity on your child.

Treatment normally takes among nine and 18 months. The duration of remedy will rely closely at the circumstance of a child’s mouth and what is wanted to create an most advantageous surroundings for his or her person tooth to develop into. This remedy ought to be performed earlier than everlasting tooth begin to make an appearance. The earlier, the better.

Phase 1 is used to deal with a huge type of orthodontic issues. It can assist to enhance speech development, alternate the location of first molars, lower the opportunity of sticking out tooth being damaged, eliminating or lowering the want for extractions, and widening your palate.

  • Who carries out orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment is typically carried out by a dentist or an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has completed additional training and education in the field of orthodontics, which focuses on correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. However, some general dentists also offer orthodontic treatments such as braces and clear aligners.

  • What does it involve?

Orthodontic treatment involves the use of appliances to align and straighten teeth and correct bite problems. The most common orthodontic appliances are braces, which are made of metal brackets and wires that are attached to the teeth and adjusted over time to gradually shift them into the desired position.

Other orthodontic appliances include clear aligners, which are a series of custom-made plastic trays that fit over the teeth and gradually move them into place, as well as retainers, which are worn after braces or clear aligner treatment to keep the teeth in their new positions.

In addition to traditional braces and clear aligners, there are other orthodontic appliances that can be used to treat specific issues such as jaw misalignment and breathing problems during sleep. Your dentist or orthodontist will evaluate your specific needs and develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual situation

Will I need to have my teeth taken out to make room?

In some cases, it may be necessary to remove one or more teeth in order to create enough space for the remaining teeth to be properly aligned. This is typically done when there is severe crowding or other alignment issues that cannot be corrected without creating more space.

However, not all patients require tooth extraction as part of their orthodontic treatment. Your dentist or orthodontist will assess your individual situation and determine whether tooth extraction is necessary to achieve the desired results.

If it is determined that tooth extraction is necessary, your dentist or orthodontist will discuss the procedure with you in detail and provide guidance on how to prepare for the extraction and what to expect during and after the procedure.

How is treatment carried out?

There are several types of technological orthodontic treatments that are commonly carried out, including:

Traditional braces: Traditional braces use metal brackets and wires to gradually shift teeth into the correct position.

Ceramic braces: Similar to traditional braces, ceramic braces use clear or tooth-colored brackets and wires for a more discreet appearance.

Lingual braces: Lingual braces are placed on the backside of the teeth instead of the front, making them less visible.

Invisalign: Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that are custom-made to fit over the teeth and gradually shift them into place.

Self-ligating braces: Self-ligating braces use unique brackets that eliminate the need for elastic bands, allowing for smoother and quicker adjustments.

Accelerated orthodontics: This type of treatment involves using devices such as AcceleDent or Propel Orthodontics to speed up the rate at which teeth move into their correct positions.

Jaw surgery: In some cases, jaw surgery may be necessary to correct severe bite issues or misalignments that cannot be corrected with braces alone.

Orthodontic treatment can be done by many sorts of appliances, which most people call a ‘brace’.

What are the effects of smart technology on orthodenticle treatment?

Smart technology has had a significant impact on orthodontic treatment in recent years. With the rise of digital dentistry, orthodontic practices have become more efficient and effective than ever before.

One of the most notable advancements enabled by smart technology is the use of clear aligners, such as Invisalign. These aligners are custom-made for each patient using advanced 3D imaging software, which allows for more precise and accurate treatment planning. Additionally, patients can track their progress through virtual models that show how their teeth will move over time, providing a better understanding of the treatment process.

Other advances include the use of digital scanners to create accurate impressions of patients’ teeth without the need for messy, uncomfortable molds. This not only improves the patient experience, but also allows for faster turnaround times and better fitting appliances.

Overall, smart technology has revolutionized orthodontic treatment, making it more comfortable, efficient, and personalized than ever before.

What is a removable brace?

Simple remedy can be accomplished with a detachable brace (a plate that may be taken out to be cleaned). It has sensitive wires and springs attached, which pass the enamel the use of mild pressure.

What is a fixed brace?

Often, teeth want to be guided accurately than they may be the usage of a detachable brace. So a fixed brace is used. This has brackets and bands which can be briefly stick to the teeth. A bendy twine joins all the brackets and lets in the teeth to be moved. You cannot take the appliance out yourself, so its miles known as a fixed appliance.

What is a functional brace?

A function brace is an appliance that is used to correct the way a patient’s teeth and jaws come together when they bite down. Function braces are typically used to treat malocclusions (bad bites) that result from issues such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites.

A function brace usually consists of two parts: an upper part and a lower part. The upper part fits onto the palate or roof of the mouth, while the lower part fits onto the lower teeth. When the patient bites down, the function brace helps to guide the jaw into the correct position, allowing the teeth to come together properly.

Function braces are often used in combination with other orthodontic appliances, such as brackets, wires, and elastics, to achieve the desired results. Treatment with a function brace can take several months to a year or more, depending on the severity of the malocclusion and the specific needs of the patient

What are the brackets made of?

Fixed braces are not always made of metal. Plastic and ceramic can be used, especially for adults

What are ‘invisible braces’?

They are tough, invisible plastic ‘aligners’ (moulds) which can be used to straighten tooth. Several units of specially moulded, a bit special aligner is made for every patient. Each set is worn for 2 weeks earlier than getting changed with the subsequent one. They are crafted from clear plastic, so they’re almost invisible. This means that no person would understand you’re straightening your tooth.

What are elastics?

Sometimes delicate elastic bands are attached to a fixed brace to help move the teeth. Your orthodontist will tell you if you need elastics.

How do I care for my brace and teeth?

It is important to keep having your teeth checked by your dental team while you are having orthodontic treatment. You also need to take extra care of your teeth and mouth:

  • Clean your teeth carefully every day, including between your teeth where you can. Braces are delicate and you need to make sure you clean them carefully so that they do not break. Your dental team will be able to show you the special techniques to use depending on the appliance you are wearing.
  • Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks. Avoid snacks and drinks containing sugars, and fizzy drinks. Also, sticky and hard foods may damage your brace.
  • Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day. Use a mouthwash if you need to. Your dental team may recommend a stronger fluoride toothpaste, or perhaps a fluoride gel or mouth rinse, for you to use.



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